Wild Weed Kitchen is a performance/public engagement event in which we prepare and cook food using wild foodstuffs gathered from a little piece of land; the half acre of rewilded land around our home on the Holderness Coast in the East Riding of Yorkshire. The dandelion petal burgers and wild vegetable stir-fry that we make is offered free to the public, in a cafe style setting with chairs and tables in the space where we make the food, alongside contextualising artworks and information.

Untamed Food Distribution provides free packs of ready prepared wild vegetables. In response to the tension that exists between the escalating cost-of-living crisis and an emerging foraging `crisis` suggested by conservation and heritage organisations, we piloted Untamed Food Distribution during a recent residency with ArtBomb in Doncaster. Using only wild foodstuffs collected from from a little piece of land, we provide free packs of wild vegetables, ready prepared with cooking instructions and recipe ideas, to any members of the public who want to try an alternative to industrially grown commercial supermarket produce.

Last Chance extends beyond previous presentations of Wild Weed Kitchen and Untamed Food Distribution as we produced artworks and print material for the public to take away, which contextualised our offer of free food within the escalating cost-of-living crisis and the increasing incidence of food insecurity and food poverty within the population. The title of the project, Last Chance, refers to multiple concepts inherent in the current paradigms pertaining to food production and consumption: as a sales slogan used to generate an urgency around buying; as a call to take action to avert climate catastrophe; as a reflection of the seasonality of local produce; as a portent of the end of being able to choose what you prefer, having to instead accept what you can afford or what is available.

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All content © Monika Dutta and Jake Harries